Sounds dull, doesn’t it? Walking. Nowhere to go, just walk. Walking is magical. Put on your comfortable clothes and trainers. If you want music then to get those headphones on, it’s up to you. Treat the walk as a gift. It’s not a chore like having to take the dog out! It’s your time. Start off with 15 mins and make a mental note of where you will walk. It could be to your local high street or coffee shop. You might be surprised how quick the walk is.
When I started to walk, I felt quite alone and awkward. Where was I going? I didn’t have anyone to chat with. What was the point? When I got back home the point was clear. I was refreshed and energised. The permanent sluggish feeling was gone. I felt warm. There doesn’t need to be a purpose to walk like to go and buy something, use the time for you. Walking helps create calm in the mind. You could plan healthy meals that the whole family could enjoy without feeling guilty. Everyone can benefit from eating better. You could invite them out for a walk with you occasionally. It’s amazing what you find to chat about to pass the time.
Tip: invest in comfortable trainers and a smartwatch. A nice soft fleece jacket is snug to wear if it is a bit chilly. Walk a route you know and time it. Then increase the distance. Go up roads that you don’t know and investigate the area that you live in. I found a great corner shop that sells authentic flatbreads! Speed up your pace a bit to make you feel warm. If you can include a hill, then this is a bonus. Once you have mastered the art a good 30-minute walk, get to 45 minutes and hold it here for a while.
Don’t walk where you might feel unsafe as this is not a positive way to walk.
Want to include more walking whilst dieting, please get in touch with me.