When do you realise that you need more than a diet?
Diet companies love overweight people. They know we will be back, again and again, to try a new diet, join a club, or log on to an app. They hook us in. They tell us to believe them. They convince us again and again to part with our money. We never learn. We never empower ourselves to know and understand ourselves, our bodies, and how we eat or live our lives.
Each day, each week, you are obligated to stick to your diet. To eat food you find bland. You get hungry and want to pick tiny morsels of tasty food so you won’t feel guilty because it’s only little amounts. It’s a repetitive process. Few will reach their ideal weight, and even fewer will stay there. Then you stop, and in your mind, you have failed, and you mentally punish yourself or eat.
I don’t promote bariatric surgery, but I support it after many years of failed diets and excessive weight gain combined with weight-related health issues. The gastric sleeve was a final option but an option I wished I had realised years ago.
It’s the perfect diet forever. You can only eat small amounts, and you feel full. Simple. But I want you to enjoy delicious nutritional, tasty food that serves your body with a complete spectrum of goodness.
When you eat less, you could neglect to eat what your body still needs. Protein, good carbohydrates and the right fats. Plus of course fruit and vegetables.
Having 90% of your stomach removed sounds so drastic, but look at it differently. You are overweight, no diets work because you can’t stick to them and you blame the diet, you like food, and you can buy clothes in your size. But yet, as you get older, your health will deteriorate. Your body will struggle to feel active. Your mobility will decrease. Your joints will start to become stiff, and as this happens gradually, you don’t notice it. You will probably develop type 2 diabetes if you are not already. You will become more breathless. Life will start to wear you down.
What are your options now? Keep visiting the doctor to get a prescription for another ailment. As you suppress one issue, you will find another, then another. Living like this is not good health. We need to address the overall you.
Or you take the plunge and start looking at the benefits of having a gastric sleeve. Of course, like any permanent procedure, there are downsides. But the downsides are entirely manageable by you. You will have the chance to grab your life, shake out the old habits and plant new fresh habits to let you be free from the ball and chain of repeated dieting pit stops.
My coaching skills will open your mind to making good healthy food choices and teach you how to approach your life positively, making you happier inside and outside.
Please drop me an email if you would like to chat with me about how I have found the last five years and how I managed or struggled sometimes.