Where am I going with croissants and dieting? Keep reading. As Christmas time gets closer so the dieting goes out the window! Oh, it's Christmas those words resonate everywhere. Followed by 'I will start my diet again in the new year'. Great - let's go with that. The new year diet! This diet has so many excuses attached to it for failing to get off the ground, I have listed a few of these but I am sure you can think of others.
1. There is still Christmas food to eat
2. I have a hangover from the party last night
3. It's too cold to diet
4. A few chocolates won't hurt!
5. But restaurants are offering vouchers to eat in January
No one wants to diet, but losing weight is important for your health. If you carry too much weight this could potentially cause long term health issues.
January is the start of a new year and in your mind, you are ready to turn the page and start again with the diet, stop drinking, or stop smoking. But when you take such drastic actions and cut everything from your normal diet you will start to crave food and it will be all wrong foods you crave.
You have time to plan your January diet now. Look at what you like to eat that is healthy. Rich, hearty soups are much more satisfying in January than a few sticks of peppers and hummus. Enjoy cooked meats with a salad that are mixed with fruits. Plain yoghurt with chopped banana is a real luxury that you can eat. But all these meals and snacks need planning.
Diet planning is no different from planning a special event. Sit down with a nice notebook and work through your time and work schedule. Then look at the meals and what works for those busy days and what works for when you have a more spare time.
Never plan for more than two weeks. As this will give you unrealistic goals to achieve. Be realistic and honest. Don't buy food that is alien to you. January is a cold month. It's still nice to curl up on the sofa and watch a good film, just without nibbling a big bag of nachos. Have a bowl of cereal instead, like cornflakes, not coco pops! Or even a bowl of porridge made with half water and half milk.
Plan your diet before starting it. Please don't wake up on the Friday 1st January and think today I start my diet. Then you head to the kitchen and all you have is food from the night before and a bag of 6 croissants in the freezer!
Let’s put together a good starting plan that will get you up and running with a sustainable diet that fits into your lifestyle. Contact me for advice.