When it comes to diet, we all know best. We try to follow a new regime, we try to stick it out, we try to carry on with our normal daily lives whilst our eating patterns have changed dramatically. And if we have a family, we carry on cooking for them and then slowly we slip back into our daily routine of eating what we normally do.
Diet coaching will help you see where you succeed and identify the areas that you struggle with. “Wait”, I hear you cry! “I have a great ‘app’ on my phone. Surely that’s better than being personally coached?” Yes, diet apps can help but what a diet app cannot do is talk through with you the lifestyle you live and what you eat daily with the family. It can’t get to know your unique curcumstances or help you stay on track taking these into account.
1:1 personal diet coaching is not about enforcing a diet upon you, but letting you see what changes can be made to help you lose weight comfortably. Sudden changes in eating habits can cause a negative effect on you and those around you. Diet coaching will allow you to learn how to diet positively and slowly. Whilst we all want that quick fix, those promised 10 pounds gone in two weeks diets, realistically those hard fast diets are not good for you or thoses around you.
Dieting is self-care and self-care should be gentle to the soul and mind. Slowly and sensibly, making small but permanent changes along the way. These small changes will gradually start to build up to a healthier way to eat. Planning your diet to work to your life is the key for success, using a diet coach to discuss your approach and how you plan will give you the confidence to connect what you shop, cook and eat in the right manner for you to lose weight.
Planning does need time and this is where a session with me on planning will help you look at how you approach dieting and how your life works.
Our session will be in two stages, the first will look at you and how you eat. In the second stage we will put together a way to plan your diet, taking into account your own unique life.
First Stage, addressing your dieting and eating habits.
Your dieting history; for example.
1. What types of diets have you attempted in the past?
2. What makes a diet feel right for you?
3. At what point you feel positive about dieting?
4. Where you feel your dieting methods let you down
5. Food cravings and being hungry
Your eating lifestyle, for example.
1. Are you cooking for a family, a partner or just for yourself?
2. Do you like to eat out?
3. How do you shop for food?
4. Your average week in meals and snacks
5. When do you feel really hungry?
Second Stage, plan and learn how to start a diet
Together we plan a diet that works into your life. By understanding that small changes at the start of your matter more than going straight into a starvation mode diet where all you will do is want food. This will help your lose weight slowly, successfully and positively. Dieting is not always easy and there are always low points as well as high points when you are dieting. Keeping realistic and focused will help you achieve weight loss.
Your New Year will be here very shortly, let’s get an action plan together to make your New Year diet work for you. Contact me now for information on booking a session.